Jag Pellay

Hi I’m Jag Pellay, owner and creator of “Badminton Racket Review”. My team and I are very passionate about Badminton and it’s this passion for the sport which drove me to create this site, along with a small portion of frustration from all the years of time and money spent trying to find a racket that really worked well for me.
It became blatantly clear to me that very few people at any level or involvement in the sport had any deep understanding of badminton racket performance across a wide range of manufacturers.
Thus far we have all been guided by clever marketing, personal reviews or someone behind a shop counter (that knows little more than we do) and yet global badminton racket sales continue to grow year on year generating many millions of dollars in revenue.
So after consulting with some of the best sports analysis companies in the world we created Badminton racket tests that would provide key information on badminton rackets via a platform called the Racket Review E-Zone.
We have been testing and reviewing badminton racket since 2014 and have now tested over 700 rackets from 23 world manufacturers, the site has members from over 123 countries worldwide. Find out more about the Badminton Racket Review Ezone here.